
加拿大pc28开奖api AI智能翻译屏落地成齐AI

发布日期:2024-12-31 06:25    点击次数:195





分辨在成齐 春熙路商圈和 齐江堰景区上线了!

For international travelers exploring Chengdu,

language serves as a crucial element influencing their travel experience.

Smart AI-powered translation kiosks providing real-time translation in more than 14 languages

以当前频繁出现的雨雪天气为例,大雪天气白茫茫一片,驾驶途中看不到清晰的车道线,更没有清晰的视觉参照物,纯视觉系统很难正确识别大面积白色的物体,很容易会判断成平面,留下安全隐患。但激光雷达方案可以清晰感知前方的障碍物,例如雪堆、以及被雪覆盖的石头和树木等。但激光雷达一般应用于20万级以上的车型,而广汽埃安打破了价格桎梏,以旗下AION RT迅猛龙为例加拿大pc28开奖api,这款车都配备了包括激光雷达在内的27个智驾硬件,以及英伟达Orin-X高算力芯片、第四代感知端到端深度学习大模型,用同级最顶级的智驾配置,希望给用户带来更安全、更便捷的高阶智驾体验。

have been introduced in the Chunxi Road commercial district and Dujiangyan scenic area!


2024年12月30日上昼, 在成齐春熙路IFS一楼就业台装配了中西部商圈首个AI智能翻译屏,通过科技赋能进步支付便利化水平,提高商圈入境消耗就业质料。

On the morning of December 30, 2024, the first AI-powered smart translation kiosk in the central and western China commercial district was installed at the service desk on the first floor of IFS at Chunxi Road in Chengdu. This technological advancement is designed to facilitate payment and elevate the quality of services for inbound consumers in commercial districts.

2025年1月2日, 寰宇文旅首个AI智能翻译屏落地齐江堰景区。此举将极大进步景区海外化就业水平,为国表里旅客提供愈加浅近、高效的同样体验。

On January 2, 2025, the first AI-powered smart translation kiosk for tourism in China was launched at Dujiangyan scenic area. This initiative is set to significantly enhance the international service standards at the scenic area, facilitating a more convenient and efficient communication experience for both domestic and international visitors.


“A significant challenge encountered when visiting China is the language barrier”, remarked an Italian tourist who was among the initial users of the newly launched kiosk. “Having recently indulged in spicy cuisine, I sought a Western dining establishment within the shopping district. I was pleasantly surprised that this interface enabled real-time, barrier-free communication. I promptly received firsthand information”. The tourist commended the technology and service at the IFS 1F service desk, expressing approval with a thumbs-up.


At Dujiangyan Scenic Area Tourist Center, international visitors, such as Ekaterina from Russia and Gordon from the United States, utilized the AI-powered touch-screen translation kiosk to engage with the staff. They inquired about ticket printing, tour lengths, and dining alternatives. The kiosk promptly translated their inquiries into Chinese, and following the staff’s responses, it swiftly converted the replies back into their respective languages. This seamless process was both rapid and effective, successfully bridging language communication gaps.

The AI-powered smart translation kiosk was co-developed by the Bank of China Sichuan Branch and iFlytek, incorporating advanced technologies such as multilingual recognition and translation, iFlytek’s Spark large model, and multi-modal noise reduction. It offers real-time translation capabilities in over 14 languages, including Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, and others. This innovation will effectively mitigate communication barriers for international visitors, significantly reduce consultation times for international visitors, and assist staff in delivering more efficient and diverse services for them.


The recent policy allowing international travelers to remain in China for a maximum of 240 hours (10 days) for transit purposes is anticipated to boost the influx of international tourists to Chengdu. Chengdu will persist in improving the accessibility of inbound travel and aims to establish itself as a prominent and globally recognized modern international metropolis in western China.加拿大pc28开奖api
