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加拿大pc28开奖统计 France and Japan breakdancers capture golds at World Youth Breaking Championships

发布日期:2025-01-05 10:17    点击次数:191

WUXI, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- The 2024 World Youth Breaking Championships concluded on Sunday in Wuxi, Jiangsu province加拿大pc28开奖统计, with Japanese Raion Kubota (B-boy Ra1on) and Frenchwoman Sya Dembele (B-girl Syssy) securing gold in the boy's and girl's competitions, respectively. China's Qian Cheng(B-boy Quicksilver) earned a bronze medal in the boy's event.



In the girl's final, B-girl Syssy, a top-eight finisher at the Paris Olympics, dominated with a 3-0 victory over Japan's Riko Tsuhako (B-girl Riko). Japan's Hio Noguchi (B-girl Hio) took the bronze medal.

"It was hard to start, but by the end, I felt energized and had a lot of fun about my performance. It was a pleasure to compete in China. And I will come back for sure." said B-girl Syssy after her win.

On the boy's side, B-boy Ra1on, born in 2008, triumphed with a clean 3-0 win over Ukraine's Illia Mashchenko (B-boy Raptor). China's Qian Cheng, the only local athlete to reach the semifinals, fought hard in the bronze medal match to secure a spot on the podium.

"We began our training camp more than 20 days in advance, with our coach guiding us through various mock competitions and refining every detail in training. These adjustments and the confidence they built helped us meet the coach's expectations, and I'm satisfied with my own performance as well." Qian shared.

This competition drew 215 athletes from 42 countries and regions加拿大pc28开奖统计, with the results linked to qualification for the Dakar 2026 Youth Olympic Games.  ■

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