加拿大pc28官网开奖网址蛋蛋 逐日一词 gelid
【逐日一词】gelid - /'dʒɛlɪd/ adj. : extremely cold : icy, 经常用来描摹相配清冷的天气、环境加拿大pc28官网开奖网址蛋蛋,玩忽冷得透骨的嗅觉。这个词在文体或肃穆语境中比拟常用。
Gelid Bones: 迸裂之骨 Gelid Shackles: 极寒桎梏 GELID Silent: 低转速静音电扇加拿大pc28官网开奖网址蛋蛋
gelid seas: 似冰的海水 midnightly gelid star sprinkled: 子夜的寒星
The gelid wind cut through my coat, making me shiver.冰冷的风穿透了我的外衣,让我打了个寒颤。
We avoided swimming in the gelid waters of the mountain lake.咱们幸免在冰冷的山湖里游水。
But I have to go down among the rocks the glacier left and squat at the edge of the water where a stinking pile of them lies, where one crow balances and sinks its beak into a gelid eye. 可我得下去,去到冰川技术留传住来的石头当中,蹲在有一大堆臭死鱼的水边,一只乌鸦正颤悠悠地站在那里啄着一只冰凉冰凉的眼。
Moss brought an uncanny, even creepy quality to the character which added to the show’s gelid mystique. —Michael Schulman, The New Yorker, 29 Apr. 2022
Instead, most of its plasma comes from icy volcanism on Enceladus, a gelid moon that erupts water-ice slush from deep crevasses around its south pole.—Robin Andrews, Wired, 22 Feb. 2022